Pavel Stepanovwas born in 1988 April 2 in the city of Kandalaksha in the North of Russia.
He graduated from music school in piano, and studied at the tuba and guitar.
2005: At the age of 17 he enrolled in the College of music in classical percussion instruments.
2008: Enrolled in the Conservatory of the city of Petrozavodsk.
Since 2009 he has played in the orchestra of the Western Military District in St. Petersburg, as well as head of drum group of the orchestra (Sky Rhythm).
2013: He taught in the school of percussion skills.
2014: Is taught in the Lyceum of arts, St. Petersburg marching ensemble.
Since 2014 I have headed the Department Rudimental and Marching drummers in the Russian drum organizations SPB Percussion.
Also play Christian music (Gospel Worship)
Artist for:
· Agner DrumStick (Swiss)
· Prologix Percussion (USA)
· Agean Cymbals (Turkey)
· SlapKlatz (Denmark)
· Drum Gear (Denmark)
· Rimma
· Honorary life member of the N.A.R.D.
· Rudimental Drumming Member (rudimentaldrumming .com)