USARD Meeting July 09 2016 Wilkes-Barre Pa
Attendees: Bill McGrath, Joe Gillotti, Charlie Kammer, Bill Mojica, Bob Zarfoss, John Bosworth, Phyllis Gillotti, Gary Gillotti
1. Bill McGrath opening remarks, what we are doing moving the Convention to Genetti’s Hotel, is the right thing to do.
2. Gary Gillotti reported that there was no meeting at the Convention, no minutes. Last minutes were from January Pre-Convention meeting. Motion made to waive reading of minutes.
3. Joe Gillotti Membership Report; 132 active members
4. Treasury Report Phyllis Gillotti, N/A in minutes. Treasury report approved
5. 2017 Location voted on and Genetti Hotel, Wilkes Barre was awarded 2017 Convention
6. Discussion on the 2017 Wilkes Barre Convention, Genetti’s gave USARD the best deal
Gary Rockwell discussed as VP and signed contract. Gary brought up the idea of canvassing local talent. John Flowers agreed to contact John Rossum and Dave Gamble.
Gary Rockwell suggested we contact local Wilkes Barre schools and its University.
It was agreed that we have just 2 Clinicians
Announcement of the Convention will be made on the USARD website and social media.
7. Open Forum;
Phyllis suggested doing regional competitions. Charlie thought is should stay part of the Saturday program, preferably in the afternoon. Bill McGrath suggested we can keep the Passing of the Torch”, can simplify and length of time can be shortened. Gary Rockwell suggested we search for Jr Corps in the Wilkes Barre area
8. Staying away from High Costs
Bill has tried to reach Pat Petrillo and Steve Gadd, unavailable. Most likely agreed out of our price range. All agreed that Genetti Hotel would reduce cost
9. 2017 Officers
Officers will be nominated in January 2017, Elections in May 2017
10. Open Forum
Discussion on compensating Larry Bourne for his hard work at the 2016 Convention.
Joe Gillotti should we increase our membership fee? It was agreed to keep it at 20.00
Vimeo cost 200.00 a year for private videos. Keep it? Make videos public? Open for further discussion.
Charlie we need to all get along. Concentrate on the organization
John Bosworth suggested Wayne Oien should be considered as a Clinician
Bill McGrath suggested paying gas mileage to meeting. We need to check by laws and legal ramifications
Next Meeting late October or early November TBD