Minutes of the Meeting of USARD Nov 7, 2009
In Attendance: Bill McGrath Jr, Steve Young, Charlie Kammer, Nick Biscotti, Joe Gillotti, Gary Gillotti, Bill Hartmann
Bill and Steve opened the meeting at Noon discussing the Chapters.
It was decided that Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia Chapters should be combined as one.
New England, including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, would be one chapter.
There would be a Metro New York Chapter, to include NYC metropolitan area and Northern New Jersey.
New York State Chapter: Western New York.
Pennsylvania Chapter
California Chapter and a Northwest Chapter was discussed.
Treasurer's Report
Joe Gillotti reported that we had 80 paid members and 2 business members. That number includes one complimentary yearly membership and one honorary lifetime membership.
Total balance $1,280.00
Corning was paid $50.00 for August Meeting
$50.00 for November Meeting
Joe established a checking account with Chittenden Bank of Vermont.
Ads that were put in Eastern Review $100.00
Drum Corps World $182.00
Joe sent the copy to the Ancient Times but got no feedback.
The discussion of the ads was that they were effective and got the word out.
Working session: Brochure, Logo and Pins; Marketing and PR planning
Steve brought up Drum Corps Planet and will look into promoting USARD on their website.
Steve will check with Bill Maling and Bill Mojica on the brochures. Charlie Kammer will send photos of Gas performance to Bill Maling and will also look to Bill Cook as an illustrator for the brochure. At that time Steve introduced the decal that Ben Curtis designed and passed some out to committee members. It was agreed that it was impressive. Steve will get a price for decals that might be given to all members.
Convention April 23, 24 and 25, 2010 Holiday Inn and Conference Center, Harrisburg, PA.
Steve presented preliminary itemized costs for the convention based on unit costs and attendance numbers. These numbers will be refined and shared with the Executive Committee for approval before we publicize them. The price estimate of $70.00 was discussed for the weekend: Friday Night, Saturday and Banquet. This, of course, does not include hotel room costs.
Students will be discounted performance day $10.00. If anyone wants to go to the Banquet, not a member, it was agreed it would ok if they pay the cost of the dinner. Spouses do not have to be members.
He also identified volunteer needs (listed below) and is asking for help from the membership
Need for Registration
- Two (2) 6ft tables, 3 chairs
- Three (3) tripods/easels
- laptop for registration
- calculator
- file crate
- tablets
- pens/pencils
- cashbox (with start-up cash – $100.00 )
- signs-welcome, directional
Two 6ft tables, 2 chairs/@vendor
Volunteers registration-2 @ for 6 shifts 12
recording 2
set-up Fri afternoon 3
tear down Sun morning 1
performance schedule 1
MC/Announcer 1 day 2 troubleshooting 1/2 day each 4
Play Schedule Bill McGrath
Videotaping Skee Derr
Annual Meeting 10:00 am Sunday
There will be a 10:00am Sat start to the performance schedule. Bill McGrath said the schedule should be flexible.
There was a brief discussion on Individual Contest at the Convention. It was decided to be tabled for this Convention. Joe Gillotti brought up that competition would bring in the younger drummers. He spoke of a vision for a National Title.
Performers and Clinicians
Steve mentioned that Cullen Triner brought to his attention that Camp Chase Fife and Drum Corps might be willing to perform at the Convention.
Other Possible Performers/Clinicians Contact Person
Andy Redmond Regimental Band Music Steve Young
Eric Julliard Basil Switzerland Steve Young
Dominic Cuccia Steve Young
Lee Caron Steve/Joe
Dave Fontaine US Swiss drumming Steve/Joe
Madison St Project Joe Gillotti
Each Chapter will also give a performance
Friday Night will be a night of socializing. Also groups can practice and fine tune their performances; massed drumming run-through. Cash Bar.
After Saturday's performances, there will be a casual banquet, social hr 6-7 with cash bar. After the banquet there there will be a Mass Drumming Performance.
There will be coffee available Saturday and Sunday Mornings. Breakfast will be on your own.
Sunday Morning at 10:00am will be the Annual Meeting
When Convention Registration Forms are finalized they will be posted on the website.
New Business
Continue website involvement using the blogs and discussion forums
Continue to build the music library and give all paid members access
Bill McGrath said there is a chance USARD will be invited to perform at the MENC Convention in June 2010. MENC is the National Music Educators Association.
Next Meeting: Feb 6, 2010 beginning at 12 Noon at the Marconi Lodge in Corning, NY