USARD Zoom Meeting November 8, 2020
Attending: Gary Rockwell, Joe Gillotti, Gary Gillotti, Charlie Kammer, David Smith, Jill McCutcheon, Anthony King, Tom Terreri, James Smith, Jeff Holloway, Tom Schneller, Charley Poole Jr., Tom Wells
- Discussed Convention dates, but waiting on GG to confirm with Crowne Plaza UPDATE: Convention date set October 22-24, 2021 Crowne Plaza, Danbury, Ct.
2. Jim Smith
a. Drummers Heritage
b. Reach out to Schools and Youth
c. NARD-teach 13 Rudiments Mark Beecher
- Discussed Briefly Monthly Presentations on Zoom
Jill McCutcheon and Steve Wolpe heading up Committee
- January: Wolpe’s Warriors
b. TimeLine/Time Limits 30-40 minutes
c. Formats etc
d. Check with Dominick Cuccia and his interest in presenting
4. Tom Wells brought up the need to reach the young drummers
5. Tom Schneller suggested a USARD Veteran’s Day Tribute
“Drumming for Veteran’s” Joe Gillotti setting a Google drive for this
6. Web Site and Best way to communicate
a. Social Media, No Political Platforms
b. Jeff Holloway heading up committee
Joe Gillotti, Anthony King, Jim Smith
c. What are we trying to Deliver????
7. Drum Club of Massachusetts new chapter
8. Scholastic Members, looking to set up Youth Committee
Junior USARD
10. Attach Facebook Pages
11. Marketing Campaign suggested by Charlie Poole Jr, need to reach out
to youths and vendors
14. Next Meeting Time- Dec 6 Sunday-8-9