USARD Meeting   November 12 2016   Wilkes Barre Pa

Attendees: Bill McGrath, Gary Rockwell, Joe Gillotti, John Bosworth, John Flowers, Ron Church,

 Bob Zarfoss, Bill Mojica, Charlie Kammer, Phyliss Gillotti, Doug Morrow and Gary Gillotti

Opening Remarks, Bill stated that the schedule was not a finish product  yet

Treasury Report  N/A

Membership  126

  1 complimentary

   4 Business

Secretary minutes accepted after corrections


1)  Clinician Possibilities for the future: Emanuelle Capulette, Matt Patella, Jeff Prosperie,

Pat Petrillo, Ed Telek and or Wayne Oien. Gary Gillotti stated that he made numerous attempts to

reach Emanuelle Capulette, with no success

2)  2017Program  Book, Charlie Kammer has volunteered to produce the 2017 Program Book

3)  External Vice President Report; Gary Rockwell has contacted Steve Fidyk and Dominick Cuccia, they are committed to do a combined clinic. Steve and Dominick both graduated from the Wilkes University. Steve is also with the Philharmonic Orchestra at Wilkes-Barre and has a drum corps background.  Kevin Donka has also agreed to do a Saturday Clinic. John Flowers gave Gary Rockwell a list of contacts.

Gary gave a brief presentation on how USARD as an organization needs to start thinking outside the box. It is essential that we get young people involved in our organization.

4)  Internal Vice Presidential Report and Status Joe Gillotti: Joe has been updated the website and Facebook page on a daily basis.  USARD news and Convention updates are posted. Joe has been encouraging members to send him stories for him to post.  He had posted on the International Rudimental, Fife and Drum Friends, DCI and many other Group Facebook pages. Keeping these groups updated with the activity of USARD.

5)  Individual Contest Update: Gary Gillotti brought up that if we add Rudimental Bass Drumming to the Contest we will need at least 3 hrs. This was agreed upon by everyone. Also need to have a Judge’s sheet that everyone agrees upon. Snare Drum Individuals will be divided into 2 categories, Modern and Rope. Competitors must decide when they register what category they will participate in.  We have one Judge at this time John Flowers. Asked Brendan Mason, he has a previous engagement, cannot make the Convention. We need to find at least one more judge.

6)  New Performers for 2017 are The Special Needs Percussion Ensemble? Bill McGrath will update

7)     Repeat and New Performers Including Clinicians for 2017 Schedule of Events

Opening Ceremony to be determined- Gary Rockwell  will search for local talent

Tributes:  Alfred Colleameno and George Hayek       

Bill mentioned that the” Cadets” and “Skyliners” cannot make the Convention. Doubt they will be able to do

Friday night.

Performers Friday Night

New England Chapter

Performers Saturday:

Jr Individual Contest

Air Force Ensemble

Steve Fidyk and Dominick Cuccia-Clinic

Middle River Ancients

New York Chapter


Paul Mosley and John Flowers

Phoenix Connection

Announcement and Awards

Sonny Lyons Memorial Award-Matty Lyons


Bill McGrath and Gary Rockwell will finalize the schedule by January 2017

Thanking   Larry Borne for his assistance, compensation discussed

8) 2017 Officers to be nominated in January 2017, Elections in May

9) Round Table

         Doug Morrow brought up the idea of an Educator Membership